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Re: linguistic "flavours" (was Re: Missing Words)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Saturday, March 23, 2002, 16:09
In a message dated 3/21/02 11.47.56 PM, bob.greenwade@NEWMAIL.NET writes:

>At 02:49 PM 3/19/02 +0100, Christian Thalmann wrote: >>American English is ketchup. Very tasty and popular, but intolerant of >>any other flavor. > > And it absorbs nearly *anything.* :-]
_ketchup_ - from Chinese dialect * _koe-chiap_ for vinegary fish sauce, some varieties of this sauce had tomato paste as well. * prob'ly southern Chinese American English, to me, is like California Noveau Cuisine - "melting pot/tossed salad cuisine" - as done by a Midwesterner. In another words, all the pungent, intense, spicy multi-ethnic culinary authenticity is sacrificed to the blander, carbo-heavy/red-meat-eating tastes and lower spice-tolerance levels of the (stereo)typical "meat-&-potatoes" Midwestern palate and eating habits. (California Noveau Cuisine is bad enough of a bastardization... but at least it's more health-conscious - at times, vegetarian and vegan! - than some "authentic" foods. Hehe!, American culture at its very best is more of a "tossed salad" than "melting pot.") I think this metaphor can be read on many levels - not just linguistic! semi-vegetarian Hanuman Zhang {HANoomaan JAHng} /'hanuma~n dZa'hN/ ~§~ Sometimes the difference between noise and music is all in your head ~§~ _NADA BRAHMA_= < from Sanskrit > "sound is god[head]"/"god[head] is sound" anavriti shabdat => "Liberation by sound." "I like the fact that listen is an anagram of silent." ~ Alfred Brendel OM ... Om Tat Sat... Tat Tvam Asi... OM


John Cowan <jcowan@...>
BP Jonsson <bpj@...>