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Re: CHAT: Place names (was: Pascua)

From:Carlos Eugenio Thompson (EDC) <edccet@...>
Date:Thursday, May 4, 2000, 22:03
On First Air* of Tenderness of first Red Cat, Barry Garcia wrote:

> >I love those long Spanish names! The typical Argentine town was > >named things like "San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca" or "Santa > >Fe de la Vera Cruz de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo" (though more, er, > >profane names exist, like towns called "Small Beer Pack" and "Large > >Beer Pack" (I swear I'm not making this up!). > > My favorite is the original name for the City of Los Angeles, here in > California: > > "El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora, Reyna de Los Angeles de Porciuncula"(if I > have it right) >
Whish has been shortened to just "Ellay". My own city was officially founded on the name of "Santa Fe", but since there were many Santa Fes around, people used the name of the plateau: "Bogotá", therefrom "Santa Fe de Bogotá". Then the king of Spain rename it to La Muy Noble y Muy Leal Ciudad de Santa Fe Which made Bogotá one of the few towns in Colombia with the official title of "Ciudad", while most others are officially "Villas". After Colombia's emancipation, the new republican goverment rename the city into "Bogotá", and a small town that was then called "Bogotá" (Originally and Inian village), had to change the name into "Funza" (another Chibcha name). The Archidiosesis hold the name of "Santa Fe de Bogotá". In 1991, the name was changed again into "Santafé de Bogotá". Personally I prefere shorter names, then my city is just Bogotá for me. ObConculture Spaniards founded a town where Bogotá were founded in OTL. And they also used the Spanish name of Santa Fe. The town is now called Zângtàvê in Hangkerimce but it has still an important population of Criollos. -- Carlos Th