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Re: YANC and YANCC, Ecoi and the saKoni

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 26, 2001, 10:11
En réponse à Dan Jones <feuchard@...>:

> > So, any thoughts? >
Well, what can I say? You've created a very interesting language, which looks very plausible, with behind it the most humorous and yet perfectly plausible (if you accept abduction premise) conhistory I ever read about!!! :))) I didn't get the names of the relics, but the rest I understood. I like Princess Di as a goddess :)) . I suppose the name of France evolved to mean Hell in Ecoi :)) . Very nice, you have to carry on about it, I like it!!! Christophe.


Dan Jones <feuchard@...>