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Re: Brithenig: Khazar

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Thursday, April 6, 2000, 2:12
In a message dated 4/5/2000 9:47:05 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
draqonfayir@JUNO.COM writes:

<< Is that _The Thirteenth Tribe_?  I've never read the entire thing, just
 flipped through it a few years ago.  I've heard that the author of that
 book had some major agenda that they were pushing, so to me that would
 make the book at least somewhat suspect.  What's Koestler's theory?
That was the title, thanks for reminding me. It was probably published
early/mid 80s, I bought it off the $1 remainder table at least 10-12 years
ago.  Don't recall feeling that he was pushing some agenda....  Main argument
seems to have been, that after the Vikings/Slavs usurped the Khazar trading
area (near the Crimea) , the Khazars dispersed, willingly or not, north into
eastern Europe.  IIRC Koestler felt that the large Ashkenazic population
could not be due totally to refugees from the post 70 AD Diaspora, or to
migrations occasioned by the collapse of the Roman Empire. (I'm certainly
open to correction here!)