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The Appearance of Fricatives "ð" and "θ" in Anc. Macedonian: the Earliest Date?

From:Vasil Gligorov <vasil.gligorov@...>
Date:Saturday, March 29, 2008, 15:40
Most textbook on ancient Macedonian phonology point out that "Delta"="d",
while "Theta" had a value of "t". However certain recent studies, outside
the aforementioned mainstream view,  point out that the sounds represented
by Δ/Θ may already had values of  ð/θ in xmk even before those changes
occurred in Classic Greek and not as is mostly encountered in the textbooks,
during later Koine period, with regards to Macedonian soil.

What are your conclusions on this issue, the earliest date of appearance of
dental fricatives among the Macedonians as an ethne?

Thank you.

The Appearance of Fricatives "ð" and "θ" in Anc. Macedonian: the Earliest Date?


Eric Christopherson <rakko@...>