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Re: THEORY: Aspect terminology (long)

From:Aidan Grey <taalenmaple@...>
Date:Friday, December 12, 2008, 6:27
Better terms for these, IMHO:

Instead of Perfective - Completive.
Instead of Perfect/Effective - Resultative.
Instead of Stative/Gnomic Aorist - Gnomic or Stative (esp. if  "it is red" would take this aspect).
Instead of Eventive Aorist - Aorist.

>Perfective - marks an event as completed >Perfect (or as I initially called it "effective") - marks an event as >completed AND leaving behind a state of relevance >Stative aorist or gnomic aorist - used for timeless truths >Eventive aorist or "pure eventive" - used to describe events pure and >simple, without considering their end points