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Re: OT: Keyboards (< computer keyboard advertisement mentions Quenya)

Date:Friday, February 29, 2008, 22:38
> [] On Behalf Of Mark J. Reed
> On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 2:05 PM, <li_sasxsek@...> wrote: > > My biggest complaint about the Pearl's input is the > predictive typing. > > Huh? I've had several RIM devices, pre-Blackberry and > Blackberry, and none of them have had predictive typing. > AutoText, yes, but that's "post-dictive" and only an > occasional minor annoyance, like when I type "IM" (short for > "instant message") and it dutifully "corrects" it to "I'm".
The Pearl doesn't have a full keyboard. The keys are doubled up so Q & W share one button. I like the multitap better because I know what's coming out without having to correct the mistakes that come from misinterpretations of the predictive system. In fact, I wish all software makers would turn off any type of predictive or corrective features by default. My experiences with them have not been good, usually leading me to shout numerous obscenities that could make even a sailor blush.


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>