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From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Sunday, November 2, 2003, 6:42
If anyone wants to read H. Rider Haggard's _She_, it's available online
at .  Here's the
first use of the phrase in the book.  Our heroes have made it five
days inland from Zanzibar, and have been captured by a bunch of locals
speaking barbarous Arabic:

# "Slay not," was the reply. "Four suns since was the word brought to me
# from '/She-who-must-be-obeyed/,' 'White men come; if white men come,
# slay them not.' Let them be brought to the house of '/She-who-must-be-
# obeyed/.' Bring forth the men, and let that which they have with them
# be brought forth also."

(Her real name is Ayesha.)

There is also a second book about her, _She and Allan_, which also features
Haggard's recurring hero Alan Quatermain; online at .

After fixing the Y2K bug in an application:     John Cowan
        WELCOME TO <censored>         
        DATE: MONDAK, JANUARK 1, 1900 


Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>