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pirate "Jolly Roger" <was Re: The Bogan Commentaries>

From:Jonathan Chang <zhang2323@...>
Date:Sunday, May 28, 2000, 1:21
In a message dated 2000/05/28 01:09:59 AM, I wrote and forget a footnote:

>In a message dated 2000/05/27 11:15:35 PM, DaW wrote: > >>Jolly Roger (I forgot, it is for a pirate or his ship?) > >Neither. It's for his/her * battle flag... usually black field with white (or >red) >skull'n'crossbones. IIRC "jolly roger" is a mispronounced French phrase of >which I do not recall.
* there were quite a number of female pirates, some even were captains of ships themselves (& even a couple were leaders of small fleets of pirate ships) zHANg