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Re: Foreign Names (Was: Re: Spousal names)

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Friday, October 27, 2000, 23:20
Youn Ha Ley wabbe:

> Well, Korean names are "Chinese" names, so I'm somehow > not surprised. At least with my sister there's only two of us! > And Koreans call each other by the two-syllable given > names (or some longer diminutive thereof), so it's not a > problem, but when you bring in Americans who think we > have "first" and "middle" names (and who's to blame > them)....
I don't like to thing in my given names as "first" and "middle" names. They are "first" and "second" *given* names. And my surenames are also "first" and "second" *surname*, not actually a *last* name. But many databases insist in asking for _first name_, _middle name/initial_ and _last name_. Due to second surname is mother's surname, many people like using it, but the first surname is usually the one you give when asked only for one. Smart databases assume the last word as the last name, then they pick up the _wrong_ last name. I have decide to leave _Pinzón_ out of my identity in e-mail for that reason: if you want to tell my full name I am "Carlos Eugenio Thompson Pinzón" but if you want a shorter formal version, that should be "Carlos Thompson", not "Carlos Pinzón", and if you want to call me by a title I would be "Mr Thompson" not "Mr Pinzón". (Change Mr by your favorite appliable title... my preffered is "ing." from engineer, or not title at all). In informal situations I'm "Carlos" or "Chlewey". -- Carlos Th