Re: O Tuashni Blesha kësh o Kolë
From: | bnathyuw <bnathyuw@...> |
Date: | Monday, August 5, 2002, 9:05 |
--- John Cowan <jcowan@...> wrote: >
Thomas R. Wier scripsit:
>...> Lojban does the same: the restrictive relative
> pronoun is "poi",
> incidental rel. pron. is "noi".
bac uses |-a tat| /a tat/ for the incidental and |-a
tnat| /a nat/ for the restrictive. in subordinate
positions they become |-a that| /a Tat/ and |-a tat|.
the forms are quite obviously the same word, but the
restrictive is the definite form whilst the incidental
is the indefinite.
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