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Re: Double Prime?

From:Adam Walker <carrajena@...>
Date:Monday, March 31, 2003, 13:24
Well, I've never done much with math in my langs since I'm a numerophobe. But
Graavgaaln does have a base 12 system and some rather odd measurements. Their
equivilant of a ton (I use the term equivilant VERY loosely!!!) is something
like 49.7(or was it 47.9?)inches cubed of lead. A very common measurement used
for athletic competitions is one's own body weight.

 Robert B Wilson <han_solo55@...> wrote:On Sun, 30 Mar 2003 00:30:08 -0800 Sarah Marie Parker-Allen
> To keep this slightly on topic, has anyone here been brave enough to > come up > with new mathemtical terminology and models for their conlang?
i have, but it might take some time to get my notes in order so i can give a reasonable presentation of it... i also have a complete system of measurement for kinsi rorotan but i haven't used it lately... length is based on a multiple of the radius if a hydrogen atom (1 zaki = about .49m), mass is based on a multiple of the mass of a hydrogen atom (i forgot what the unit is called, but it's nearly equal to 1 kg...), and i forgot what measurement of time was based on, but it was something really interesting (i think the unit for time was about 2/3 of a second or something like that...) i just tried to find my notes on the measurement system and decided to give up... maybe tomorrow i'll have something aobut the mathematical terminology that i can post.
> Sarah Marie Parker-Allen
-- Robert Wilson (aka kuvazokad, eltirno, edei'...) vkky vnkynvj vknyknj ykkv knvy? karkalone kontoko? kinsi rorotan kinsa nadas? baitta ke farzaiyai? qxracc pqqattiircx iia kxqqhwiiallccre?