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Re: OT: ANN: Kura 1.0 released

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Sunday, February 4, 2001, 15:37
On Sun, 4 Feb 2001 08:54:45 +0100 Boudewijn Rempt
<bsarempt@...> writes:
> If you don't want to see the little boxes, you might want to install > Microsoft's Arial Unicode font, and choose that in the > file/preferences dialog, application tab, font button, and in > all the configuration/rendering styles entries. > > Exiting is simple: file/Quit, the toolbar button with the circle > with > the vertical line or just alt-F4. > Boudewijn Rempt |
- I'm using Windows 98, second edition. Okay, but what about the Python dos-prompt box? It seems stuck at that "environment variables" thing, with no way to exit it, so it just keeps sitting there on my screen after i exit Kura. -Stephen (Steg) "strength and glory are her clothes, and she will have the last laugh." ~ _eishet hhayil_