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Re: whistling s's

From:B. Garcia <madyaas@...>
Date:Monday, April 4, 2005, 23:22
On Apr 4, 2005 1:48 PM, JC <jcolrich-dreams@...> wrote:
> ---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- > Sender: Constructed Languages List <CONLANG@...> > Poster: JC <jcolrich-dreams@...> > Subject: whistling s's > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > One of my conlangs has a sound that's like a high pitched, whistled s or sh. Of > the admittedly small set of people I was bugging with this the other day, I'm > the only one who can do it, but if I say s or sh and sort of curl my tongue tip > up, I get the whistle. > > Phonology is not my strong point, as you can probably tell :-) Is there a > common notation for this sort of thing? > > Thanks, > JC
I have a sort of lisp that actually comes out as a high pitched whistle every so often. It's quite odd to hear when it happens. It used to occur a lot more when I was younger. -- Kiwasatra ay tepan ura nga garu kucaku songa majenyora bilat maacaku lawan ku saal Tal sora inumyara nga sepotyal ngaruan ura nga puka ku matambiryay