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movement of tribes

From:O'Connell James <jamestomas2@...>
Date:Saturday, August 4, 2001, 11:00
For my revision of Elenyo, I've decided just to start
from the very beginning - the world. Proto-langs,
loads of descendent langs and a full world conculture
I'm wondering though. One of my large early
rainfall-dependent farming communities (the largest on
that continent) is affected by a volcanic eruption.
This causes a mass exodus from that fertile area.
Now, 1 or 2 of these tribes will travel all the way
along the north coast of the continent, all the way to
the peninsula at the furthest westerly point. This is
a distance of approximately 3,300km.
How long do you think it would take for them to get
there? Bearing in mind the whole tribe of several
thousand is traveling with them, and they have to stop
for food, they aren't actually traveling with any
destination in mind, and they have to take shelter
from yearly storms.
What do you people think?


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