1st two paragraphs of La Karavano with relex - v.2
From: | <morphemeaddict@...> |
Date: | Monday, September 17, 2007, 12:42 |
In a message dated 9/12/2007 12:38:52 PM Central Daylight Time,
MorphemeAddict@wmconnect.com writes:
> "Est" is "ye".
> ant/at = da/ta
> int/it = di/ti
> ont/ot = znu/qla
> The future participles represent an irregularity, but the forms do/to were
> already taken for more common morphemes ("don-", "trov-").
> There are no equivalents for unt/ut, because those did not occur in the
> story. There regular forms would be du/tu, which are already taken for "du"
> and
> "tut-".
> The one-letter words are:
> a = la
> e = mi
> i = kaj
> o = li
> u = ili
> t = de
> v = en
> Single consonants as words takes a little getting used to, but it's common
> in
> Russian (v "in(to)", s "with", k "to(ward)).
> I tried "k" for "al", but didn't like the results, so it became ad hoc "ka".
> wa = -ig-
> yu = -igx-
> The pronouns "ni", "sxi", and "gxi" are pronounced the same: ni, xi, ji.
> "vi" is 'we'. "si" is 'oy'.
> I'm not fond of either "we" or "oy", but haven't found suitable
> replacements.
> The main criterion for choosing a shape of a morpheme was its frequency in
> the original text. The shapes I chose from were based on length. The most
> common morphemes were V, then VS and SV (S is semi-vowel y/w), then CV,
> followed
> by CVS/CSV and CLV (where L is l/r) and CLVS. Last were CVCV, which caused
> too much confusion with CV+CV, so I inserted "n": CVnCV.
> Relex ending "-g" replaces both Esperanto "-n" and "-en". I haven't found a
> case yet where an Esperanto root can have both these endings, so it's not a
> problem in practice. If there is such, I'd like to know.
> stevo
Later, after practicing some more, I changed most of what I gave above.
The basic part-of-speech endings are the same, but the participle suffixes
are now regular:
ant > da at > ta
int > di it > ti
ont > do ot > to
(There is still no conditional participle suffixes, but I've never actually
seen those unofficial suffixes used.)
It turns out the ambiguity of VSV (e.g., "aya") as V+SV vs. VS+V was more of
a problem than I expected. It's still a problem, but I've changed some of the
most common words to make it easier.
The personal pronouns almost never occur in the middle of a word, so I've
allotted all of them a VS form:
mi > ya ni > wa
vi > wi
li > ye
sxi > yo ili > we
gxi > yu
"si" is now "si" (was "oy") and oni is now "oy" (was "no").
"ne" > "no" (was "wi")
de > u (was "t")
en > xi (was "v". Words like "enajn" or "ene" would be "vv", "vk", which is
totally unacceptable to me. The relex has to be pronounceable.
-ig- > -gi-
-igx- > -ji-
est > ste (was "ye")
sed > e (was "yo")
aux > o (was "xey"; it's not common enough to merit a bare vowel, but after
the other changes, "o" was available, and it's easy to remember.)
"kaj" is still "i", and "la" is still "a".
The relex has a very distinctive feel to it, much different from Esperanto's.
Bapawd fok a drez gap hyes. Su a vligep
qmeyqas, ifo oke vijit gye oris i praws, ja zawjid
eyboyk epalwixex u zgayx i inuf ezalwixex u
cwax. Iqip zlip ohos, yug nagodap, bruyd yub
boyguz; i adi, idi xweys dwipyawd a ohoz, bligid
a xwaq bwigef zdolwix i vwex lyurandidaf.
Ugu mwayjid a hyes ka hos, imo u a fwas karayd ka
yu. Ye qwid su bep arap cwas, nuytip pey tingop snoys; u
a xmeyruyp rimeqas pwayd inuf epalwixex; i su a
kways u a cwas stoyzod bep ugip opafankos. A raydas
had nyob zgaz, i yef vwex sted abof ka a
begegus u yep cwas. Gloyp ifas, rwik brotip pey zyas,
nuyd ob kwayz; a jankas i a brayp aros sted zluk
ruyf; i jey yep fwas pwayd ixup rwizgelwip xkeys. Yep
ifas, eysyugtyatip suvyag; yef nwif xwax,
vlaykbwidaf zi suy tunfof upax; yep lop lyaws qboydap
suy xnoyp nazos, -- ake ci uke doyd ka a raydas zgaz
epob i eytwegeb. Idi ye toyjid boyvyuk kwiday
payq u a truys u a hyes, ye ated a cwaz, i
pu keyk za myox vawd a nagandiz. Ugu
qluaquk sted vin raydaz, imo soyp bapawt a
drez, uy a hyef gwaqex aysleyd joy ye oyv
izuq, xo twes pi eba flaws.
Trapasis foje la dezerton granda karavano. Sur la vastega
ebenajxo, kie nenio vidigxas krom sablo kaj cxielo, jam auxdigxis
malproksime sonoriletoj de kameloj kaj argxentaj tintiletoj de
cxevaloj. Densa polva nubo, gxin antauxiranta, anoncis gxian
proksimecon; kaj cxiam, kiam vento dispelis la nubon, blindigis
la okulojn brilegaj armiloj kaj vestoj lumradiantaj.
Tiel montrigxis la karavano al homo, kiu de l' flanko alrajdis al
gxi. Li sidis sur bela araba cxevalo, kovrita per tigra felo; de
la helrugxa rimenajxo pendis argxentaj sonoriletoj; kaj sur la
kapo de l' cxevalo flirtadis bela ardea plumfasko. La rajdanto
havis noblan aspekton, kaj liaj vestoj estis konformaj al la
belegeco de lia cxevalo. Blanka turbano, ricxe brodita per oro,
kovris lian kapon; la jako kaj la ampleksa pantalono estis fajre
rugxaj; kaj je lia flanko pendis kurba ricxtenila glavo. Lia
turbano, malsuprentirita survizagxen; liaj nigraj okuloj,
fulmebrilantaj el sub tufaj brovoj; lia longa barbo dependanta
sub hoka nazo, -- cxio cxi tio donis al la rajdanto aspekton
sovagxan kaj maltimegan. Kiam li trovigxis proksimume kvindek
pasxojn de la fronto de l' karavano, li pikis la cxevalon, kaj
post kelke da momentoj atingis la antauxgvardion. Tiel
eksterordinare estis vidi rajdanton, kiu sola trapasas la
dezerton, ke la karavanaj gardistoj eketendis kontraux li siajn
lancojn, pro timo pri ia atako.
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