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Re: Sig Mystery (was; Re; He/She/?)

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Wednesday, December 29, 1999, 18:38
On Wed, 29 Dec 1999, Irina Rempt wrote:

>On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Matthew Kehrt wrote: > >> Jux Bet is a spell from Origins Ultima games.
bet is one of the syllables (with the idea of "small"). "jux" isn't listed. Is it one you made up or "discovered"? It is possible to devise new spells; so it wouldn't surprise me if a new syllable couldn't also be devised.
> >I used to know those words (from Ultima Underworld) - please >enlighten me!
The syllables of power are: an negation nox poison bet small por movement corp death quas illusion des downwards rel change ex freedom sanct protection flam fire tym time grav energy uus upwards hur wind vas great in create wis knowledge kal invoke xen creature lor light ylem matter mani life zu sleep These could be combined in various ways to form magickal sentences and in conjunction with certain physical reagents were cast as usefull (usually) spells. Wrong syllables or wrong reagents could result in nasty outcomes. The spells that a wizard could create depended upon the level attained - 1st level spellcasters can only cast a handful of spells; 8th level can cast any spell. Some examples: an nox - cures the thaumic object of any kind of poisoned wound (snake bites, etc.); rel xen bet - changes the thaumic object into a rat; vas flam (everyone's favourite) - creates a large incendiary ball, which can be cast at someone else. This is a sort of "revised and expanded" magickal system used in Ultima. Previously, only 26 spells were possible; now more than 50. The new syllables replace the old words of power. For example, the new spell 'an zu' (negate sleep) is used to awaken the thaumic object from sleep. It repleaces the Awaken spell, whose word of power was 'levate!'. The old words of power were, for such spells as required such words: levate! awaken appar unem! open a trapped chest deurme! sleep baja! downward movement (Obviously, Britannias early mages were Hispanic.) the name of the thaumic object healing, fireball, kill, iceball, ressurection, banish undead the name of the moons gate travel, upward movement the name of a desired region view terrain the spellcasters name negate use of magick the name of the Patron of Winds change wind direction the type of energy field negate energy field incoherent roaring earth tremor Padraic.
> > Irina > >-- > Varsinen an laynynay, saraz no arlet rastynay. > (myself) - (Valdyas) > (home) >