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Re: time and place

From:Steg Belsky <draqonfayir@...>
Date:Friday, May 25, 2001, 16:50
On Thu, 24 May 2001 06:23:01 -0700 Tom Pullman <tom@...>
> >root-words are: > >NOW (with the meaning of "right now" or "this time"). > >HERE (with the meaning of "right here" or "this place"). > >AHEAD (with the meaning of "in front of"). > >AFTER (with the meaning of "behind").
> >i combine "ahead and after" with temporal "now" and lokative > "here". > >think of a man who is on the way walking from home to the church. > >he started walking at 7:00 o'clock and he plans to arrive at the > church at 8:00 o'clock. > >his home lies *after* him. the church lies *ahead* of him. > >the church is his target-place. it is *ahead here*. so far so good. > >"8 o'clock" is his target-time. it is *ahead now*. so far so good.
- I like the idea... Rokbeigalmki does something similar. The root _kadme_ (from _khada_ "1" and _mwe_ "move") means "precede". The root _dume_ (_du_ "2") means "follow". (just as a comparison, _tarme_ from _thara_ "3" means "multiply") _Kadme_, when made an adjective (sudkadme) or adverb (elikuh-kadme), can refer to something which is either in front in space, or earlier in time. _Dume_, (suddume / elikuh-dume) can refer to something which is either behind in space, or later in time. This system isn't that unusual, look at English "before/after", Hebrew "lifney/ahharey", Spanish "antes" (not sure about "despues", though)... Rokbeigalmki also has a specific set of words to refer to the combinations "here&now" and "then&there": paz / pu = here / there taz / tu = now / then kaz / ku = here&now / there&then -Stephen (Steg) "that would be really suck!" "all your base your base..."