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Re: Streaming foreign languages was Re: Maltese Phonology

From:Danny Wier <dawier@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 26, 2003, 23:49
I didn't finish the reply, me being the dummy.

From: "Thomas Leigh" <thomas@...>

> Do they? You probably know a lot more Georgian than I do, but just judging > by what I've heard, it sounds to me like they pronounce them (or most of > them) but that they break up a lot of the consonant sequences with schwas. > Although it does seem like /v/ has a marked tendency to get labialized
> /w/.
What I remember reading: a) consonant clusters are broken up by epenthetic schwa, which are unwritten, b) some consonants in some clusters are dropped, but still written, c) /m/, /n/, /r/ and /l/ become syllabic, and syllabics are reconstructed for Proto-Kartvelian (as they are in PIE), d) /y/ and /v/ become /i/ and /u/ the same way the consonants in c) become syllabic, e) /v/ has an allophone, [w], after consonants, and /v/ comes from PK *w (still /w/ in Svan). f) A LOT of consonants are post-labialized, not just gv, kv, k'v, q'v. Just like North Caucasian. Areal feature?