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Re: CHAT Bethesda et al. (was: Brithenig-heads)

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Friday, April 21, 2000, 10:34
Am 04/21 10:47  And Rosta yscrifef:

> What is "the lamb beth"? Lambeth is a London borough south of the river. I > believe (with the usual unreliability) that Blake lived in Lambeth. >
I believe I read somewhere that sheep were unloaded off boats there. I don't know what the etymology might be, lamb-berth perhaps I assumed. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus The sacred writers have clothed God in a human form, like gleaming amber or fire, and have spoken of its eyes, and ears, and hair, and face, and hands, and wings, and pinions, and arms, and back, and feet. - The Divine Names, 1.8