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Re: The Language Code

From:Rob Nierse <rnierse@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 28, 2003, 7:30
>> Dirk, can you include ' i inverse ' á la Kiowa? I happen to have that >> in my conlang.
<snip explanation>
>If the default for a word like 'finger' were plural, >the marker would indicate singular. >Does your system work like that?
Yes, it does.
>If so, here's the problem that I see. For the morphology section of the >Language Code I've been tacitly assuming that the attributes and their >values refer to morpho-syntactic categories and not to the formal >realizations of these categories. While 'inverse' might be a novel way >of realizing number categories, it isn't a category itself.
I understand. So I guess my lang has singualr and plural, but just expresses in an 'inverse way'.
>The question is whether the Language Code should include >realizational properties of morphological categories beyond the general >agglutinating/isolating/inflecting cast of the language as a whole. I'm >inclined to not include them, unless someone has good arguments for >doing so. This also points out a weakness of schemes like the Language >Code; you can't put in everything, and many interesting and even >important features will go unmentioned.
I think you are right in this. A scheme like the Language Code should just mention some rough characteristics, a grammar should mention the interesting features. So, Tlapóa is : Tlapóa :Tp Pt*p++16,4s(c)v(v/c) Ws Ma+ h+t2a2c3g2nsp Sbso.argn Lc+++d+300 Just nitpicking about tones: what is the difference between 'register' and 'level' tones? How to indoacte 'pitch accent'? Is that just 'register'? Rob


And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Dirk Elzinga <dirk_elzinga@...>