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Re: mediopassive voice: huh?

From:Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>
Date:Thursday, December 11, 2003, 7:18
Quoting Robert Jung <RobertMJung@...>:

> What is the mediopassive voice? What are its functions; examples too > please.
The mediopassive voice is a voice that covers both passive uses: I was seen; I wasn't injured; I will not be overcasked! and middle uses: I saw myself; I didn't injure myself; I will not overcask myself! We saw ourselves; we didn't injure ourselves; we will not overcask ourselves! Basically it covers verbs that are passive and that can also be reflexive (ie, reflecting the subject's actions back on itself, or reflecting the actions of a group back onto itself.). Hpe this helps. Wesley Parish "I me. Shape middled me. I would come out into hot!" I from the spicy that day was overcasked mockingly - it's a symbol of the other horizon.


Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>