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Re: Gzarondan: Phonological Review

From:Adrian Morgan (aka Flesh-eating Dragon) <dragon@...>
Date:Saturday, October 16, 2004, 7:20
Whoops! Somehow my previous message was truncated! I have no idea how
that happened! I am now very angry with my computer, evil malicious
thing that it is!

Forget everything I've written. Except for the request for comments,
of course. Is there anything un-naturalistic about this?

I've gone and made some MAJOR changes.

I hate the way that one never knows when one is finished; it can be

The current version is described below, and is also online at:
which is where future updates will be posted.

My conlang index page:


*********************   Vowels and Diphthongs   **********************

|   Front    |  Central   |    Back    |
| /I/   /E/  | /@/   /a/  | /U/   /O/  | Short Vowels   |
| /i:/  /e:/ | /8:/  /a:/ | /o:/  /O:/ | Long Vowels    |
| /aI/       |            | /aU/       | Closing Series |
| /I8/  /E8/ |            |            | Rhotic Series  |


  * /E/ is pronounced [&] after a velar or palatal consonant, except
    in an unstressed syllable that is preceded by a syllable which
    also contains /E/.

  * /a/ is not distinguished from /@/ at the end of a word, nor is /I/
    distingued from /i:/.

***************************   Consonants   ***************************

|          FRICATIVES          |      STOPS       |     OTHER      |
| Unmarked  Labialised  Voiced | Unvoiced  Voiced | Nasals  Trills |
|                              |                  |                |
| /T/       /f/         /D/    | /p/       /b/    | /m/            |
| /s/       /S/         /z/    | /t/       /d/    | /n/     /r/    |
| /x/       /x_w/              | /k/       /g/    |                |

                        |    MISCELLANEOUS CONSONANTS              |
                        | Voiced palatal approximant:          /j/ |
                        | Voiced alveolar lateral approximant: /l/ |
                        | Unvoiced alveolar lateral fricative: /K/ |


  * Although the category of labialised fricatives cannot be taken
    literally in the modern phonology, it does have a historical

  * /r/ is ordinarily [r] (aveolar trill) but after /n/ it is [r\`]
    (retroflex approximant). Note that this can only occur at a word

  * Before a rounded vowel or /@/, the only distinction between /x/
    and /x_w/ is often the presence of a gliding [w] after the
    latter. The syllables /x_w@l/ and /x_wUl/ have no auditory

  * /l/ is velarised (i.e. articulated as [5]) at the end of a
    syllable and when preceded but not followed by a vowel or

  * /@l/ is usually articulated as [5=] except after /l/ or at the
    beginning of a word.

  * When preceded by /l/ and followed by either /l/ or an unstressed
    syllable containing /l/, alveolar stops undergo the following
    changes: /d/ is not articulated at all (except to say that the
    preceding /l/ is not velarised if it otherwise would be) while /t/
    is articulated as [K].

  * /t/ is articulated as [?] before /K/ or /l@/.

***********************   Syllable Structure   ***********************

Syllables are essentially CVC, bearing in mind that the consonant
sections may be empty, and that other possible values for the sections
are detailed below.

Syllable-Initial Section:

  * All consonants are permitted at the syllable-initial section, as
    are the following structures:

    | L-Series   | R-Series   | S-Series | Affricates |
    | /pl/  /bl/ | /pr/  /br/ | /sp/     |            |
    |            | /tr/  /dr/ | /st/     | /ts/       |
    | /kl/  /gl/ | /kr/  /gr/ | /sk/     | /gz/       |
    | /fl/  /Tl/ | /fr/  /Tr/ | /sf/     |            |
    | /sl/  /Sl/ |            |          |            |

Syllable-Internal Section:

   * The inside of a syllable may contain any vowel or diphthong, or
     else one of the following (known as the Lateral Series):
     /Il/ /El/ /8:l/ /al/ /Ol/.

Syllable-Final Section:

  * The following consonants cannot occur at the syllable-final
    section: voiced fricatives, trills, non-lateral approximants, /K/
    and /x_w/. All other consonants are permitted.

  * The following structures can occur: /mp/, /nt/, /nd/.

********************   Phonological Constraints   ********************

Constraints that apply within syllables only:

  * /r/ cannot be followed by a member of the rhotic series unless the
    syllable is stressed.

  * A member of the L-series or R-series cannot be followed by a
    member of the lateral series unless the syllable-final section is

  * /l/ cannot appear after /o:/ or /O:/.

Constraints that apply anywhere within a word:

  * Consecutive vowels and diphthongs are illegal.

  * Three consonants in a row are illegal unless both of the following
    apply: (a) the first is a nasal or velar stop, and (b) the
    following vowel is not /@/. Note that an /l/ occuring as part of
    the lateral series does not count as a consonant.

  * Consecutive stops are illegal unless the first is velar.

  * Consecutive fricatives are illegal unless place of articulation
    contrasts or the following syllable is stressed. Note that
    fricatives listed as labialised in the phonological inventory are
    deemed not to contrast with their non-labialised equivalents.

  * A nasal cannot be followed by /r/.

  * There are no geminated consonants. For a similar reason, /l/
    cannot appear after a member of the lateral series.

****************************   Stress   ******************************

Stress is not regular, but some generalisations can be made:

When syllables are LIKELY to be stressed:

  * The first syllable that can be stressed usually is stressed.

  * Stress gravitates toward syllables beginning with an approximant,
    velar fricative, lateral or trill.

When syllables CANNOT be stressed:

  * /@/ cannot be stressed except when the other restrictions below
    rule out all alternatives.

  * A word cannot be stressed on its final syllable if that syllable
    contains a short vowel.

  * Stress cannot appear on consecutive syllables in the same word.

Other stress rules:

  * Prefixes and suffixes do not modify the stress on the root, but an
    infix will often do so.

****************************   Spelling   ****************************

| Spelling | Phoneme | Spelling | Phoneme |
| i        | /I/     | ii       | /i:/    |
| e        | /E/     | ei       | /e:/    |
| u        | /@/     | uj       | /8:/    |
| a        | /a/     | aa       | /a:/    |
| w        | /U/     | ow       | /o:/    |
| o        | /O/     | oo       | /O:/    |

  * Use 'i' in place of 'ii' at the end of a word.
  * Use 'a' in place of 'u' at the end of a word.

| Spelling | Phoneme |
| ai       | /aI/    |
| aw       | /aU/    |
| ij       | /I8/    |
| ej       | /E8/    |

| Spelling | Phoneme | Spelling | Phoneme | Spelling | Phoneme |
| m        | /m/     | b        | /b/     | p        | /p/     |
| n        | /n/     | d        | /d/     | t        | /t/     |
|          |         | g        | /g/     | k        | /k/     |

| Spelling | Phoneme | Spelling | Phoneme | Spelling | Phoneme |
| v        | /D/     | h        | /T/     | f        | /f/     |
| z        | /z/     | s        | /s/     | x        | /S/     |
|          |         | c        | /x/     | q        | /x_w/   |

| Spelling | Phoneme |
| r        | /r/     |
| y        | /j/     |
| l        | /l/     |
| yl       | /K/     |