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Re: OFF: Intheologus (was RE: Betreft: Re: Steg's wonderful .sig (and a question))

From:andrew <hobbit@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 10, 1999, 3:06
Am 11/09 10:06  Paul Bennett yscrifef:
> Can I try a guess that it's intheo.log(o).us, meaning create.word.VblN, ie > word-creator (or possibly language-creator)? > > Yikes, it could be in.theo.logus, a semicryptic latin/greek collapsation of "the > word is in god". Rather a strange thing to put in ones .sig line, and not IIRC > consistent with Andrews postings, so probably not. >
I was once introduced as, 'Andrew, my flatmate, the one who isn't a theologian', to which the introduced person replied, 'so he's an un-theologian.' I kept the tag, especially since a the third person I flat with is Catholic and signs himself as Magister Sacra Theologia, Master of Theology, after his name. I am interested in theology but I have no credentials in that direction and am content to remain an untheologian for now. I like Paul's breakdown of my title though. Before I discovered this list I called our shared hobby Created Languages rather than Constructed Languages. - andrew. -- Andrew Smith, Intheologus "Death is an evil; the gods have so judged it; had it been good, they would die." - Sappho of Lesbos.