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Re: Weekly Vocab #2.1.16 (repost #1)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Sunday, April 15, 2007, 10:08
>>caeruleancentaur wrote:
>>flex, v. exhibit the strength of; "The victorious army flexes >>its invincibility" >> Neither the AHD nor Wiktionary give this as a definition >>of "flex."
>R A Brown <ray@...> wrote:
>Neither does Chamber's English Dictionary nor AFAIK does the Oxford >English Dictionary.
>I would, without the gloss above, understand to mean that the >victorious army "bent its invincibility'. i.e. was flexible and >showed magnanimity and tolerance, although it was invincible.
"To flex a muscle" brings to my mind a picture of a man (or a woman) displaying his biceps. The connotation would be that of showing off or displaying rather than bending. Perhaps that is the connotation intended in the above example. Charlie


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>