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prepositions in saalangal

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Friday, May 2, 2003, 7:29
I figured out a way to be a bit creative about being much more specific
with the prepositions than having broad based general ones as i had had

here they are:

jin - to
jinraja - to that, toward
jincin - in
jindiu - in side, inside
jincincin - into
jincinggong - in it, inward

ceng - from, of
cenraja - from that, away
cenggong - from it, outward
cendiu - out side, outside
cenjeng - off

kim - above
kinraja - above that, over
kinggong - above it , on

su - at
susu - at at, near
suraja - at that, close
sugong - at it, around
sujin - through

taw - below
tawraja - below that, under
tawgong - below it, underneath

the ones at the top of each section were the "general" prepositions.

I decided to use the words "that", "side", and "it" to be more specific

The system isn't 100% logical of course, but it was an easy and i thought,
creative way to be more specific.