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[conculture] Confestivals

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, April 24, 2000, 19:40 writes:
>Nasty chewey buggers. I can tollerate one, perhaps. But Easter Eggs is >where it's at! Well, choclate in any shape!
Ugh......chocolate can't be that cheap crap some companies come out with each easter (which is usually gritty and of poor quality). It has to be good chocolate for me. I usually dont like milk chocolate, but Dove makes a good milk chocolate easter egg (I prefer dark chocolate). As for peeps, I like them better when they've sat out for a couple of days to get a bit stale. I usually suck all the sugar off of them and then eat the marshmallow.
> > >What happens when you put em in the micro? Do they do something >humourous like explode, leaving sticky residue all over the inside? >
They puff up, like Nik said. Some people have sparring contests with them, where you take two peeps, stick a toothpick in each, set them face to face on a plate, then you microwave them to see which impales the other first. ________________________________________________ The rattan basket criticizes the palm leaf basket, still both are full of holes.