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Re: CHAT: OT CHAT: Asperger's syndrome

From:SMITH,MARCUS ANTHONY <smithma@...>
Date:Thursday, June 22, 2000, 20:33
On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Roger Mills wrote:

> >OTOH I never had any of the OCD stuff.> > Nor I. Clearly, there is a continuum of difficulties, where the > extremes may require some kind of intervention-- but whether Modern > Chemistry is the answer remains very doubtful to me. > I am enough of a Freudian still to believe that one is probably better off > learning to live with/ capitalize on one's "differentness" than to try to > eliminate it.
I was on medication for my social/mental problems for a while, and quit as soon as I could. I could actually feel my thought processes going slower, and I didn't not like that one bit. I'm sure I wouldn't have nearly the knowledge and "talent" I have now if I were to have been put on the drugs my doctor and parents wanted me on. I just refused to take them, so prescribing them was a waste of money. They gave up eventually. My brother, OTOH, needs his drugs, otherwise he is pretty close to useless. So I'm in the middle of the road on this issue -- some people need the medication, others don't. I think people should try to do without (even though it is very difficult at times), but if it doesn't work, pop those pills! Marcus