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Re: conlang greetings? (was Re: Let me introduce myself)

From:J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...>
Date:Monday, December 3, 2001, 7:17
In a message dated 02.12.2001 03:00:13 PM, jaspax@JUNO.COM writes:

>In Yivríndil, the standard greeting is "Aiya," and the leave-taking is >"Laiya." Neither has any formal meaning--they're like "Hello" in >English. However, because "aiya" looks like a verb, a verb "aiya" >meaning "to greet" and a noun "ai" 'greetings' have been back-formed. >
I found this rather amusing & likable ... South East Asian Chinese say "Aiyah!" a lot ;P OBCONLANG: in Lego - which is predominantly VSO, the slangy greeting is the question-statement: cwu continuo existe tu? /kwu kon.tin.uo e.iks.iste tu/ _cwu_ is the question-marker _continuo_ IIRC is an "aspect adverb" (?) _existe_ is the verb (passive, stative) _tu_ "you" czHANg still workin' out Lego


Yoon Ha Lee <yl112@...>