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Re: An Idea (Hopefully Non-offensive)

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 24, 2001, 17:48
In a message dated 4/24/01 3:29:34 AM, dawier@YAHOO.COM writes:

<< I'm game, but I'm not really interested in the money. Also, I kinda have an

unfair advantage cuz I've been working on a global IAL of my own for a few

years (and still have no real results)...

So would this be for everyone who doesn't have an IAL already? >>

    Yeah, I'm mainly interested in money, too.  And the advantage is hardly
unfair.  After all, we wouldn't be looking for a dictionary-length lexicon,
or anything, just the grammar, the ideas behind it, some example words in
each lexical class, some example sentences, probably a mandatory translation,
etc.  But no, it's for everyone.



Danny Wier <dawier@...>