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Re: Clarifying phonotactics

From:Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...>
Date:Thursday, February 9, 2006, 18:36
On 2/8/06, Aidan Grey <taalenmaple@...> wrote:
> I could use your help, guys. I have my phonotactics for Taalen on the web > > > > but they're not very well explained I think. They're confusing people, at
They seem fairly clear to me, except for where some IPA letters are showing up as little squares in my browser. I'll try coining a few words; let me know if I get anything wrong. cyuth ñhathlus feundedh ceavrash pyeshpal A description of gjâ-zym-byn phonology and phonotactics is at: Feel free to coin some words and show me whether my description is clear enough. I'll even give you some meanings I've been meaning to make words for and haven't got around to yet: dismay at realizing someone has misunderstood everything you've said home built by its current residents (incl. beaver dam, spider web, bird nest, some people houses) authority, expert opinion, authoritativeness to act as agent or intermediary for someone straight (non-crooked) whistling, whining, high-pitched sound thick; fat balance, equilibrium to scratch, to scrape -- Jim Henry


Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>