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Re: Basics

From:claudio <claudio.soboll@...>
Date:Thursday, June 7, 2001, 14:53
"don't mind the piglatin" lol
indeed most scientists may be high-skilled in their compartment,
their latin is seldom very advanced.
anyway my english is not the best as well so i better dont complain
yes very helpful the list.
i guess -after collecting the full list of usefull relations-
one brainteaser is to create for all of those relations (and
even more)
short relations-neologisms or , even shorter, inflections to overbear
the psychic principle "simplicity over accuracy",
and make it possible to set the rules for un-ambigues and short
compound-words. the ding-dong-ditch of compound-words is attractive.
the speaker should not be in any way delayed for using the
more accurate relation-words/infelctions.
e.g. "my mothersister" is too ambigous
     "my sister of my mother" is too long
how to balance both out ?

fully agree:=fa
partly agree:=pa

>>possessive: `the father's car'.
fa "the car of the father" in reversed order. the order is not always that unrestricted. but its not redundant because the speaker wants to emphasize the father. in speech we use forward-pressing and intonation of the certain word we want to emphasize.
>>anti-possessive: `the slave's master'.
fa sounds weird we are not used to think that way but perhaps its usefull. "the man's wife" gets a hidden sense now ;-) posessed by, as passive form. i would call it possesive.passive because "anti" can be falsely understood as "not/negation". and perhaps its omit-able with usage of a universal morphem for the term "passiv".
>>ancestral: `the father's son'.
only for social antecedents or even for precursors or pioneers ? perhaps father/mother/son etc is expressing the ancestral relation already, and "of" works just as a dummy here.
>>equally-related: `the sister's brother'.
merges with ancestral ?
>>partitive.quantitative: `a cup of tea', `drei von zehn' = `three out of ten'.
yes dosage. part is definite, pool is not definite.
>>partitive.selectative: `father of the family'.
fa, its what i call "part-of-the-pool" . part and pool is definite
>>partitive.aggregative: `family of the father'.
fa, its what i call "pool-of-the-part" . part and pool is definite additionally i would use a short morphem for the meaning "entire,total,complete" for general usage. here: to distinct "person1 and person2 are members of the group" and "person1 and person2 are *the only* members of the group"
>>congregative `group of people'.
partitive.aggregative ? the group is a definite quantum of the people. the family is a definite quantum of the relatives.
>> final (`Kaffeetasse' = `a cup for coffee').
yes. purpose=finalis "a cup for coffee" the cup intended-for coffee. *intention* plays a big role and an underestimated one in speech imo e.g. "the driver for the car" = the driver intended for the car btw: "a cup of coffee" is imo a cup full of coffee, we abbreviate as well as when we say , nachtmusik is by mozart, where "by" is a mundane abbreviation for "(was) made by" so , again "of" acts as a mere connector of 2 words.
>> subjective and objective: genitive with gerund (or a >> normal verb that is used as a noun) object and subject >> binding (ambiguity in Englisch (same in German): >>`betrayal of a 14-year old': object or subject?).
fa of-the-object-which-is ; of=by-the-subject-which-is betrayal by-the-subject-which-is 14-year old = the 14-year old person betrayed betrayal of-the-object-which-is 14-year old = the 14-year old person was betrayed maybe both can be expressed adopting the nominative and accusative markers/inflections/prepositions
>> initiative: agent of a predicate whose object is given: `driver of the car'.
of=of-the-object-which-is again accusative ? driver of-the-object-which-is car.
>> locative: `street festivals of New York'.
of=attribute-of perhaps a mixture of attributive and locative ? the locative preposition "in" wouldnt be wrong, but i guess thats not exactly the point. as well as "lifestyle of newyork" is not fixed on the location of new york, its rather a typical attribut of newyork. this lifestyle may exist in other city's than new york.
>> appositional: `city of New York'.
of=which-is. relative ? new york is here an instance of the term "city" the city, which is newyork. "the empire state building is a skyscraper" <- empire state building is an instance of the class we call skyscraper regards, c.s. concerning "because-of" : "cause and effect I": unintended,forced,inanimate cause and effect. -------------------------------------------------------------------- cause and effects which happen without reason, without intentions. the inanimate nature does not decide wether to do something or not. e.g. "becauseI" the tree fell down it broke the car. the advantage of this distinction is for example the fact, that everybody knows now that the speaker assumes that the tree fell down in an accident, and wasnt chopped down by anyone. "cause and effect II": wilful,non-forced,intented,animate cause and effect. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- intention and reason with which creatures and humans decide. and effects which are proposed to happen. e.g. "becauseII" i felt thirsty i drank the cup of tee. behaviour is usually effect of the cause "intention". concerning ??: expression of/expressed by (outer-assignment/inner-assignment) --------------------------------------------- example 1: expression of a certain feeling is a certain feeling-carrier(e.g. a certain behaviour) vice versa:a certain feeling-carrier is an expression of a certain feeling example 2: expression of a certain meaning is a certain meaning-carrier(e.g. a certain word) vice versa:a certain meaning-carrier is an expression of a certain meaning "certain" substitute-able with a morpheme for the term "definite" notizen logischer verhältnisse: Bezeichnung Inhalt Frage ------------------------------------------------------ definitivus Definition --- obiectivus Angabe eines Objektes --- partitivus Das Ganze eines Teils wo von? wessen? possessivus Besitzangabe wessen? pretii Wertangabe --- qualitatis Eigenschaft --- subiectivus Angabe des Subjektes --- Als Objekt Objekt wem? commodi/incommodi Interesse für wen? auctoris logisches Subjekt --- possessivus Besitzer wem? finalis Zweck wozu? Als Objekt Objektangabe wen? was? adversativ Raum-/Zeitstrecke wie hoch? wie tief? wie lang? wie breit? adversativ Ziel wohin? doppelter Akk. Prädikatsnomen wozu? causae Grund weshalb (effectus) Wirkung --- comparationis Vergleich --- instrumentalis Mittel und Werkzeug womit? wodurch? limitationis Beziehung in welcher Hinsicht? locativus Ortsangabe wo? mensurae Maß des Unterschieds um wie viel? modi Art und Weise wie? wodurch? qualitatis Eigenschaft --- separativus Trennung woher? wovon? sociativus Begleitung mit wem? temporis Zeitpunkt wann?