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From:Javier BF <uaxuctum@...>
Date:Monday, May 10, 2004, 6:29
Just found this:

So you thought that TINY googolplex was the real thing, unh?
Now you'll be facing the real tough guys with the giggol, the
gaggol, the tridecal, the corporal, the tetratri, the ultatri,
the dutritri, the xappolplex, the colossalplex, the gongulus,
the goppatoth, the tridecatrix, the golapulusplux, the big boowa,
the great big boowa, and the REAL HUGE guapamonga, hah! ;-)

These other ones below are merely cousins of the lilliputian
googolplex, but might still be treat for zillion lovers:
