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Re: CHAT: General Question

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Wednesday, March 21, 2001, 21:19
Daniel Andreasson wrote:
> > and three highschool years worth of Russian, although with > > little retention. It's unfortunate, since there's a very > > nice-looking Russian/Georgian girl in one of my classes > > (married, tho (damn)). > >Just a tidbit from my life: > >There's an extremely beautiful girl in my class as well >and she's Russian (married as well I think). In class (the >languages of Europe) my teacher was for some reason talking >about the different looks of different people. She mentioned >that Swedish people usually are blond and blue-eyed. Everyone >then immediately looked around at the others (12 people), >but the only blond and blue-eyed person in the room was the >beautiful Russian girl. So much for the myth of the blond >Swedes... :)
I read a story a few years ago about a Swedish journalist who was attacked in Armenia during the collapse of the Soviet Union. The attackers figured than anyone blond had to be Russian, and therefore an enemy. Then John Tzimisces, Byzantine Emperor and one of the more known Armenians in history, was renown for his blond hair and blue eyes. And the most blue-eyed people in the word is supposedly a Tuareg tribe in Alegeria. Andreas (blue eyes, but brown hair) _________________________________________________________________________ Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at