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Re: TAN: new words [was: RE: LONG: Latest Wenetaic Stuff]

From:Tom Wier <artabanos@...>
Date:Saturday, October 30, 1999, 2:29
Nik Taylor wrote:

> Tom Wier wrote: > > Actually, English has a couple postpositions. "asunder" and "apart" > > both act as postpositions: "He broke it asunder", and "He broke > > it apart". German "entlang" and (I think) "entgegen" also operate > > along similar lines. > > I dunno about that. I think that in those cases those are like the "up" > in "run up" (in the sense of "run a bill up"). I don't see any > postpositional relationship there.
I wouldn't call "up" in such a sentence as "run a bill up" a regular ol' preposition. Rather, it operates more as a particle, or perhaps (in a slightly weirder analysis) an intransitive preposition.