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Re: CHAT: Hymn to Ikea (was: Re: Re: CHAT: F.L.O.E.S.

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Friday, February 27, 2004, 0:35
And Rosta wrote:

IKEA hasn't yet reached my part of the world, but your plaint was
nevertheless familiar-- those of us in the house-remodelling game are all
too familiar with the Good People at Home Depot, Lowe's (and justly defunct
Builder's Square).  I believe HD at least has reached England, and if you
have a problem with IKEA, you'd better avoid HD as well.  Depending on the
state of the general economy, there may or may not be floor staff in
attendance.  (When they are hired, they tend to be very helpful-- retired
contractors, plumbers, etc.).  There will never, however, be more than two
or three people (often trainees) manning (personning) the cash-registers.
And invariably, the guy in front of you has managed to find items without
price-stickers, which confuses the check-out person no end.

> > > trolley > > What do you call them? Carts? Like you wheel round in airports and > supermarkets.
There are shopping carts, and then there are shopping carts. Ordinary ones will hold your light bulbs, packets of screws, doorknobs, potted plants etc. If you're in the habit, as I am, of buying 4X8 sheets of plywood, or 10ft. long lumber, you need a.....trolley?? hand cart? I don't think they have a name-- a wheeled platform about 6-8 ft. long. Yes, one would also hold three wardrobes and a settee......... Steering one of these things down the narrow aisles is a distinct challenge.