Flight (was: Memberlang Pages) [un peu long]
From: | Douglas Koller <laokou@...> |
Date: | Monday, January 25, 1999, 8:27 |
John Fisher wrote:
> That evening, I was considering whether I would eat my supper when the
> man arrived at our house, hungry and exhausted. He was tall, with hair
> dyed blacker than a crow, after the custom of the North. While he was
> washing I had to dry his clothes for him in front of the fire. He ate
> voraciously and drank a cup of wine which made him sleep. The next
> morning he warned us to leave that place immediately, as the floods
> would soon overwhelm it, and it was almost too late to escape. All five
> of us mounted the horses we had bought at the last festival and followed
> him, but not without wondering fairly seriously whether he was in fact
> insane. How lucky we were! Not two days later, the waters destroyed
> our house and all the fields beyond it, and most of our neighbours, who
> had mocked us fleeing, were pitiably drowned.
In Ge'arthnuns:
i'=/i/ (/j/ before another vowel); zc,=/C<vcd>/; e'=/e/, u"=/y/;
o"=/Y/; o"i=/YI/; rh=/X/; ai=/aI/; au=/O/; c,=/C/
Chau mi'arsauv helkerauv, zc,eshtano" si' le' ke'ru" bi' vangketh
tse'vo"z sho, cho" dhaubs le' cho" be'o"bso"v makhmalabo"v ho"i
glozhu"rafalo"b zho" rogamvezalo"b no"iala-u si'to"z. So"b le' ftomab
no"i, kfo" cho" ze'du"bso"t ho"i che ngko"rh"thseb de' cho" to"mebso"s
se rhausho"thseb i'e zc,u"bvi'erha-u i'e e'fu"kshaupo"zto"lo"bo"t ven.
Zc,eshtano" so"b le's ro"th sho, si' le' so"bo"k cha ale'hansat
so"bo"nat cho" ngaibso"b therme ba tfelezh daikh. So"b le' o"ngnac,a-u
glozh kfo" sau ju"rsaut si' besto"lsi'n, chaur le'n so"bo"t he'f sho,
frozh. Cha ic,tesegensav so"b le' makhlamal, gu" makhlama le' cha
di'nsat helkenat i'o"frhi" hu"palengu"f sho, uze'vi'c,al, lausho" chau
sho"mni'akars li' sanat mneta-u ho"ijle'raukh kfo" chau
somnizkalokhalo"rs le' rho"sa-u jebro-u ho"iho"slen. Makhlama chek
palavethsep le' cho"ik skatso"ich , cho'ito'ich makhlama lo"i che
mni'o"bwenathsev puskethev vazh sho, hi'au lomathpe'l kfo" so"bo"t
to"ngo"z, zhdanis makhlama le' o"ble', gu" so"b le' e'c,u"e' hauchfo"din
sho, flani' ntepi'eth. Chu" mne'o"ks le' makhlamal tabezha-u no"i! Vel
ic,tedalgsezh lo"i thlefez, puskau chu" mni'aks le' cho" be'o"bso"t
makhmalabo"t zho" chu"k ngejo"ksu"ch fanfeku"ch so"bo"b jo"vu"
hi'enzo"th, kfo" chak ezgaunsap e'ho" chak jvengehansad makhmalanad
bdau, chanap lo"i chau rhpelko"zalo"rsaut makhmalaraut mvralikh sho,
le't rho"thala-u rali'po"kh.
Chau mi'arsauv helkerauv, zc,eshtano" si' le' ke'ru" bi' vangketh
the evening/loc. that/loc., while I/nom. past whether-or-not [verb
connector-fut.] have dinner
tse'vo"z sho, cho" dhaubs le' cho" be'o"bso"v makhmalabo"v ho"i
consider [end of sub. clause marker], the man/nom. past the house/loc.
our/loc. [start of participial or gerund phrase marker]
glozhu"rafalo"b zho" rogamvezalo"b no"iala-u si'to"z. So"b le' ftomab
hungry and exhausted being-(adverbial participle) arrive. He/nom. past
no"i, kfo" cho" ze'du"bso"t ho"i che ngko"rh"thseb de' cho" to"mebso"s
be, and the hair/acc. [start of pogpm] the custom/postpositional
according-to the north/gen.
se rhausho"thseb i'e zc,u"bvi'erha-u i'e e'fu"kshaupo"zto"lo"bo"t ven.
a crow/post. than darkly more black-dyed have.
Zc,eshtano" so"b le's ro"th sho, si' le' so"bo"k cha ale'hansat
While he/nom. past-relfexive wash [end of scm], I/nom. past him/dat. the
so"bo"nat cho" ngaibso"b therme ba tfelezh daikh. So"b le' o"ngnac,a-u
his/acc. the fire/post. in-front-of [verb connector] dry have-to.
He/nom. past voraciously
glozh kfo" sau ju"rsaut si' besto"lsi'n, chaur le'n so"bo"t he'f sho,
eat and some wine/acc. a cup/instr., which past-causative him/acc. sleep
[end of scm],
frozh. Cha ic,tesegensav so"b le' makhlamal, gu" makhlama le' cha
drink. The day-after/loc. he/nom. past us/dat., "that" we/nom. past the
di'nsat helkenat i'o"frhi" hu"palengu"f sho, uze'vi'c,al, lausho" chau
place/acc. that/acc. immediately leave/imperative [end of scm], warn,
since-as the
sho"mni'akars li' sanat mneta-u ho"ijle'raukh kfo" chau
flood fut. it/acc. soon overwhelm-inundate/discoursive and the
somnizkalokhalo"rs le' rho"sa-u jebro-u ho"iho"slen. Makhlama chek
being-able-to-escape past too almost be-late/disc. We/nom. the
palavethsep le' cho"ik skatso"ich , cho'ito'ich makhlama lo"i che
five/nom.-pl. past the-pl. horses/acc.-pl., which/acc.-pl. we/nom.
past-perfect the
mni'o"bwenathsev puskethev vazh sho, hi'au lomathpe'l kfo" so"bo"t
festival/loc. last/loc. buy [end of scm], all mount and him/acc.
to"ngo"z, zhdanis makhlama le' o"ble', gu" so"b le' e'c,u"e' hauchfo"din
follow, although we/nom. past but, "that" he/nom. past in-fact
sho, flani' ntepi'eth. Chu" mne'o"ks le' makhlamal tabezha-u no"i! Vel
[end of scm], indeed wonder. The luck/nom. past us/dat. how be!
ic,tedalgsezh lo"i thlefez, puskau chu" mni'aks le' cho" be'o"bso"t
neg.- day-after/nom.-pl. past perfect arrive, before the water/nom. past
the house/acc.
makhmalabo"t zho" chu"k ngejo"ksu"ch fanfeku"ch so"bo"b jo"vu"
our/acc. and the-pl. fields/acc.-pl. all/acc.-pl. it/post. beyond
hi'enzo"th, kfo" chak ezgaunsap e'ho" chak jvengehansad makhmalanad
destroy, and the-pl. many/nom.-pl. most the-pl. neighbors/post.-pl.
bdau, chanap lo"i chau rhpelko"zalo"rsaut makhmalaraut mvralikh sho,
from-among, who/nom.-pl. the fleeing/acc. our/acc. mock [end of scm],
le't rho"thala-u rali'po"kh.
past-passive being-a-shame-(adverbial participle) drown