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Re: Unattested... but possible?

From:Jonathan Knibb <j_knibb@...>
Date:Thursday, March 24, 2005, 17:03
Damian wrote:
>Very interesting. It looks like a serialization of a binary tree. However, >the way Soaloa expresses that something is "yellow and blue" looks a bit >messy to me. >Another conlang that wears its tree structure on its sleeve is Telona.
It certainly does - and a strictly binary tree structure at that. Moreover, it illustrates the exact opposite of the example that opened this thread, being polysyllabic and isolating. I'm flattered to find Telona - which I'm now calling T4 - remembered. I've just started working on it again over the last month or two, after a year or so away. The syntax remains exactly as described on the website (which is now nearly two years out of date), but it now has proper ways of expressing number, tense, aspect and suchlike. Perhaps I'll get round to posting something about it again... Jonathan.