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Re: Consonant harmony (and intro)

From:Kate Sherwood <snapping.dragon@...>
Date:Tuesday, July 19, 2005, 13:09
Tech question: Is there anything I can do on my end so that the
reply-to address for the mails I send to the list isn't my address?

On 7/19/05, David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...> wrote:
> Here's a question that hasn't been asked yet: What are the phonemes > you've got? That might suggest something.
I tried to come up with a system that my friend could pronounce, but that's also somewhat exotic from an English-speaking point of view. (I'm still learning X-SAMPA, so if any of the following seem really bizarre, it's probably a mistake.) VOWELS: a e i o u @ CONSONANTS p b t d k p_j b_j t'_j d_j k_j m n ng m_0 n_0 ng_0 s s` K l l` r v\ j It's open to tweaking, but I don't want to change it too much. Basically, plosives can be palatalized/non-palatalized, nasals can be voiced/voicless, and there are two retroflex consonants: s` and l`. I might get rid of the retroflex consonants because I'm not sure that I like having them and the palatalized consonants at the same time. In the first draft of the phonology, there was some sort of velar/retroflex harmony: all velars or retroflexes would turn following nasals, /s/ and /l/ into velar or retroflex. *kamas -> kangash *salhatan -> salhatang (I've been using "sh" and "lh" for the retroflexes; I want to avoid too many diacritics since this is for a book.) I'm not sure how much I like this idea or even how realistic it is, so I haven't developed it any further yet. I really like the idea of "blocking" consonants, since that would allow me to have more variety and avoid some "ugly" words that would otherwise be unavoidable. Another thing I thought of was voicing harmony, and I might still go that way, but I'm not sure yet. Palatalization harmony, I decided not to do, because I already have a conlang with a lot of palatalization assimilation (though not harmony) and I wanted to do something new.
> An idea that I got from the example already stated has to do with > different types of sounds and blocking. So, remembering that > language with the [s]/[S] deal (what was it called? It had a name > that I swore I'd never forget. But, then, here we are...), the way > it worked was that the sibilant that was furthest right in the word > determined the quality of all previous sibiliants. So if you had: > > /sanaSil/ > [SanaSil] > /se-sanaSil/ > [SeSanaSil] > /se-sanaSil-s/ > [sesanasils] > > But, this wasn't the end of it. The glottal fricative [h] blocked any > kind of spreading: > > /sahaSil/ > [sahaSil] > > So you could have a word with both types of sibilants. > > This gave me an idea for a language of mine called Tan Tyls that > really has more to do with vowels. Specifically, vowels are nasalized > after nasal onset and before nasal codas. This nasalization, then, > spreads to all other vowels in the word: > > /nakup/ > [na~ku~p] > > However, nasalization can't spread beyond what I call a "back" > consonant. For Tan Tyls, this is any consonant further back > than the velum: [q], [?\] and [h]. Thus: > > /nahup/ > [na~hup] > > And you can get a bizarre situation like this: > > /naqamu/ > [na~qamu~] > > However, if you have, say, [+back] and [-back] consonants, then > you could conceivably come up with a consonant harmony > system that closely resembles a vowel harmony system. Thus: > > k [-back] vs. q [+back] > x [-back] vs. X [+back] > r [-back] vs. R\ [+back] (uvular trill) > N [-back] vs. N\ [+back] (uvular nasal) > > And with the obstruents, you can have voiced and voiceless > series. Anyway, in this system, anything unpaired would be > neutral. So, here are some sample words: > > karta "bear" > qaR\ta "replacement air filter" > > xisloN "fish" > XisloN\ "to forget one's cousin's birthday" > > And, with neutral elements, you can have wildcards: > > paxi "cat" > paXi "tiger-striped cloak" > > Anyway, these are just lexemes. The real fun would come with > morphology. So, let's say the first person possessive morpheme > is /-K/ (which stands for [-k/q]). Then you get: > > karta-k "my bear" > qaR\ta-q "my replacement air filter" > > And this type of split can be done at any level. An easy one to > do would be voicing harmony. In this type of system, nasals, > vowels and approximants could be neutral (unless you wanted > to get wild and allow for voiceless nasals, voiceless vowels, and > voiceless approximants [the latter being the most likely]). So > let's say it works like the Salish system, where the last eligible > consonant determines the voicing of all previous. Some examples: > > kanta "song" > ganda "dentist's drill" > > However, things can get very interesting when you add morphology. > So let's say the plural is /-t/, and the dual is /-d/. Then you'd get > the following: > > kanta-t "songs" > kanta-t "denist's drills" > > ganda-d "two songs" > ganda-d "two dentist's drills" > > And if you just wanted to get downright ridiculous, this language > could also have a word-final devoicing rule which applies *after* > the harmony, giving you: > > ganda-t "two songs" > ganda-t "two dentist's drills"
I enjoy the downright ridiculous, which means I really like this. =)
> And, of course, you can have something that blocks the spread > (nasals might do it, actually), other things that trigger voicing > all by themselves (e.g., obstruents must be voiced if they follow > a nasal), and bizarre things which happen with neutral consonants > (e.g., a word that starts with a stop and ends with a nasal with > no other stops intervening would give you a voiced stop, but > the same wouldn't be true of an approximant). > > Finally, others have mentioned things like ejective spreading and > aspiration spreading (or dissimilation). This can work with any > secondary articulation: labialization, palatalization, > pharyngealization, > velarization, creaky voicing, aspiration... That's almost too easy.
Indeed. One of the reasons I've avoided simply doing voicing harmony is that it's not very fun. But adding additional rules is a good way to *make* it fun.
> Oh, and another natlang example that comes to mind is Latin. > In Latin (and there are lots of Latin buffs on the list, so jump in > here if you've got some more info), you could never have two > /l/'s or two /r/'s in close proximity. This is how we get "moral" > and "molar". Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I think this went > all the way through the word, didn't it? Thus, "floral", but *froral > would be impossible? Not sure about that, but it's beyond > plausible.
-- Kate


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>