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vocab/translation #2, #3, #4, #5

From:John L. Leland <lelandconlang@...>
Date:Sunday, March 21, 2004, 6:44
In a message dated 3/11/04 1:45:59 PM Pacific Standard Time,
estel_telcontar@YAHOO.CA writes:
Rihana-ye inserted by John Leland
<< uti ha tame Nona nerokamisa ti Nona imoyosi a
 i ate the Whole bananna and All the olives.
 Rihana-ye: Seba fufe-i lilaga* ge fufe fifomaga-fe* wigo.
                    I     whole banana and all olives ate.
NOTE: I know I createdaword for banana earlier, but It is not in my
 uti ka rani nemoera tu Ena a
 i don't often enjoy being Alone.
 Rihana-ye:  Seba difewa-fe-me hefe-i givajo.
                    I fewtimes in alone enjoy.
 uti ha Teteki koimu iresa ta esa hurine a
 i've Already seen flowers this spring.
Rihana-ye: Seba se dipiwa*-me zewe* liga-fe wicho.
 I this spring-in already flowers saw.
 uti ha Eke tame nemai a
 I Also ate bread.
 Rihana-ye: Seba fege paga wigho.
I also bread ate.
 iresa ranai Tuini yeiro a
 flowers grow Among the trees.
Rihana-ye: Liga-fe tiga-fe chethe* fo.
                 Flowers trees among grow.

otu tamoka na Kekoarairaehi i
do you believe in Anarchy?
Feba hetiha-me vivajo-hi?
You anarchy-in believe-query?
NOTE:"hetiha" may be "anarchhy" or "freedom" depending on the speaker.
tesemo ha ho mikoru toma Okosa arai a
the victim got killed by an Angry person.
Bosiba biva-i ba-je biwo-si.
Victim (male) angry man-by killed-was.
Erano uone kata eiro kata oriki ro uti a
an Animal lives in a tree in my garden.
Fa seba-ye ligana-ye tiga-me fo.
Animal my garden-in tree-in lives.
Saniki siore ra arema ro uti a
an Ant is walking on my leg.
Narafa seba-ye vejoja-te vejo-mi.
Ant my leg-on going.
yuti ki Some nemai i
do we have Any bread?
Seba-fe didi* paga febo-hi?
We any bread hold-query?

Voc.Trans #4

i ha sehoku Reka ro uti ti aku neike a
i scraped my Arm and it hurts.
Rihana-ye: Seba seba-ye bjoa widijijo ge se ha hufo.
                  I my arm scratched and this thing hurts/is sick.
mahanama ha Hemoku manikoso se eki ha tareko yore toma orekasi a
a policeman has Arrested the man who stole books from the library.
Rihana-ye: Chobiba wivarohabasa*-ke wivaroha-fe hubo-mi ba wivujobo*
                  Watchman library-from books-stealing man arrested.
uti ha tu kinera ro ikani Ta eka ekaiti a
I was a neighbour of the king At that time.
Rihana-ye: Seba tetiba-ye thefoba vewa-me
I        overlord's neighbor that time-in.
uti ha uone To samoka a
I lived At the beach.
Rihana-ye: Seba mathe-me wifo.
                 I seashore-in lived.
yuti ki Minese tosa imisa a
we have At-least six fruits.
Seba-fe hy-ge giga-fe febo.
We six-more fruits hold.

me arai tamoka na Kekoatayahi te eki ka tamoka na ataya a
if someone believes in Atheism, then they don't believe in god.
Here baka hetiva-me vivajo-hli, se kere vebaka-fe tiva-me he vivajo.
If man/woman atheism-in believe-conditional, this from they (m/f) god-in not
uti ki Seome na oise yooko se ataya ha rokiya a
i'm in Awe of the beautiful beasts that God made.
Rihana-ye Seba tiva-je jo-si fa-fe nivajo.
I god-by made animals feel awe.
("beast" = large dangerous animal)
If you want "big dangerous animals"it would be "fi bi fa-fe"
Kaki tu neto oru toma koku a
a Baby is younger than a child.
Dida bida ge kida rede fugediwi
Baby boy and girl than very small
yuti nako ira Hinaru ti mani ore ro uti a
we hafta go Back and find my book.
Seba-fe wevejo-bi ge seba-ye wivaroha zecho-bi.
We return-must and my writing find-must.
uti ha koti Mirari a
i threw the Ball
Seba cheja* wiralebo.
I ball threw.

I agree with other comments that these short exercises are nice to do quickly.
John Leland
