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Re: sound change question

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>
Date:Wednesday, July 23, 2003, 6:48
Thanks to everyone who has responded with sound-change and orthographic
suggestions. I've decided to change the velars to uvulars and the
labials to velars (mostly), using nasalized w as the realization of
proto-m. A short explanation is available online (temporarily) at

for everyone to look at. I'll note that the page displays beautifully in
any browser on my Windows machine, but that my various linux browsers
don't seem to get the concept of combining-diacritic. :-(

I'm happy with the labials, velars, and uvulars, and with the stops and
nasals. If anyone has anything wicked to suggest for the remainder, I
will take note. I'm not sure I want to go the retroflex route (thank
you, Nikhil), but I'll consider it. Devoicing L (thank you, Christopher
Wright) already happens in some dialects but is not phonemic, and I'm
not fond of the tap in place of my beautiful trilled r (which I can't
really pronounce, but so what.)

Sylvia Sotomayor

Kélen language info can be found at:

This post may contain the following:
á (a-acute)  é (e-acute)  í (i-acute)
ó (o-acute)  ú (u-acute)  ñ (n-tilde)


Nikhil Sinha <nsinha_in@...>
Amanda Babcock <langs@...>
JS Bangs <jaspax@...>