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Re: Kinda NATLANG: English stupidities: "You both"

From:Marcus Smith <smithma@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 12, 2002, 18:33
What's strange about that? It seems perfectly natural to me to quantify a
pronoun like that. The word "you" is ambiguous as to how many people are
involved, so you express it with a clear quantifier.

The exact construction and word order is used in other languages too. In
the Native American language Pima, they say things like _aapim gook_ 'you
two', _aapim vees_ 'you all', _aacim gook_ 'us two', etc., etc., etc. They
don't even have an equivalent for the form "both of you".

In my conlang Telek, we would get a similar looking construction (though
syntactically rather distinct).

it- migonka
1pl- two
'we two, the two of us'
more literally 'We, being two in number, ...'


On Wed, 12 Jun 2002, Neo wrote:

> Where the heck did that come from? And its sad that it is proper > grammar.. Any comments? >