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Re: Polysemy in programming langs (was: Why does the meaning of words change?)

From:Joe <joe@...>
Date:Monday, April 19, 2004, 8:32
John Cowan wrote:

>Ph. D. scripsit: > > > >>Then there was the PDP-8, the first mini-computer IIRC, >>introduced in the 1960s. The only way to store the value >>of the accumulator into memory was via the instruction >>DCA, Deposit and Clear Accumulator. This copied the >>value to memory then set the accumulator to zero. >> >> > >Yup. The "accumulator" (AC), for younkers, was the main (and on some >models the only) register, so-called because it was used to >accumulate sums. The PDP-8's instruction set was small enough >that I still remember all of it: > >AND: logically AND a memory location with the AC, leave result in the AC >TAD: add a memory location to the AC, leave the result in the AC >ISZ: increment a memory location; if it becomes zero, skip next instruction >DCA: move AC to a memory location, clear AC >JMS: move the program counter to a memory location, jump to the following > memory location (the PDP-8's subroutine-calling convention) >JMP: jump to memory location >IOT: I/O instruction: pass one of 8 commands to one of up to 64 devices > (the meaning of each command was device-dependent) >OPR1: depending on various bits, clear or complement the AC or the "link" > (condition code), or rotate the AC one or two bits left or right >OPR2: skip next instruction depending on the AC's value, sign, and/or the link > > > >
How do you logically AND one memory location? AND adjacent bits? (ie. 10111010 > (0)001100) It does look like a rather difficult instruction set. Like one of them esoteric-type languages. Now, if you coded that in punctuation marks and made it three could work...
> > >