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Re: My first romlang sentence

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Tuesday, February 15, 2005, 18:38
----- Original Message -----
From: Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
> La agilleta, purra hualpa suilet serca nesigia ncaña. > /la agil_jeta pura walpa silet se4ka nesidZa N_0an_ja/
That's /adZil_jeta/. Also, all nouns are feminine, which is semantically not right for the English original (though some would argue the original is largely epicene). Next on the list, with the help of the Internet, might be a certain passage from Cicero, just because I happen to have it and a good translation immediately to hand. Paul PS: Apparently, when I use my ISPs webmail, you need to watch the reply-to. Christian, did you intend your reply to go to me or the list? I can forward it if you didn't keep a copy.