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Re: R: Latin pronounciation

From:Padraic Brown <pbrown@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 17, 2000, 0:39
On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Mangiat wrote:

>Myself I like the distinction u/v. If a saw 'uiuus' I couldn't even >pronounce it. 'Vivus' is more acceptable to an Italian/Romance eye. BTW, >which Latin pronounciation does the Catholic church use in Anglosaxon >countries?
Generally "none"; as it's not in common use. There _are_ movements of traditional Catholics that want more Latin (and return to more traditional liturgies); but most Catholics will never hear one word of Latin in church. As Dan W. says, Spanish is about as close as most Americans will get. A conversation with a seminarian some years ago revealed that he didn't even _have_ to study Latin. I'll ask some current seminarians this weekend (if I can catch one) and ask if this is (still) the case. Might even get him to read some Latin so I can give you a full report!
>I think they'd use medioeval pronounciation... I've heard a >couple of times priests speaking among them in Latin, but if they used >different pronounciations they wouldn't understand anything (hey, the mass >in Latin is one thing I like of Le Febvre)!
The only priest I've ever heard using Latin was Fr. Fish up in Almost Canada, NY; and it was so run together and spoken so rapidly as to be practically impossible to tell what he was saying. Padraic.