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Re: Butterflies

From:taliesin the storyteller <taliesin-conlang@...>
Date:Thursday, November 3, 2005, 14:53
* Raivo Seppo said on 2005-11-03 15:21:04 +0100
> A newcomer in the list proposes to extend the theme: what are the > roots/words semantically connected to the term ?butterfly`or is the term an > independent one? It?s quite obvious in English (butter-fly, OE butorfleoge) > or, perhaps, in Estonian - ?liblikas? is derived from ?lible`(a > grass-blade). As I remember, Greek ?psyche?also referred to the insect, > being appositely animistic in that connection.
See the other thread of the same name. "Butterfly" is a weird creature since most languages have their very own term for it, often purely sound-mimicing too. Might be a bad word to analyse semantically. t.