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Re: Greek plosives

From:R A Brown <ray@...>
Date:Thursday, February 2, 2006, 17:57
Philip Newton wrote:
> On 2/2/06, R A Brown <ray@...> wrote: > >>Thus "the father" is [opa'tera] if nominative, but >>[to(m)ba'tera] if accusative. > > > Minor quibble: [opa'teras].
Absolutely correct! Thanks for pointing it out.
>(Unless you're speaking Graeca sine flexione.)
Ah, but then the definite article wouldn't change either ;) ================================= Peter Bleackley wrote: [snip] > Presumably the aspirate => voiceless fricative sound change went through > an affricate stage, eg > [t_h] => [th] => [tT] => [T] I don't think there is any need for the affricate stage, IIRC similar shifts from [th] --> [T] have occurred elsewhere, certainly in the Celtic langs during the course of their evolution. > Is there any evidence of the affricate stage? No - this does not preclude it, of course, but one might have expected occasional spellings of |ts| - /ts/ was not a permitted combo in Classical Greek (tho it is common enough in the modern language), so the spelling would be unambiguous. But the affricate theory would also imply that /k_h/ shifted first to [kx] and /p_h/ shifted first to [pf]. The latter could clearly be shown in Latin spellings - it is not. There is some evidence (by no means certain) that the shift to fricative sound may have started in some dialects as early as the classical period - but this is controversial. But graffiti & other evidence shows it was certainly underway by the end of the 1st cent BCE. -- Ray ================================== ================================== MAKE POVERTY HISTORY