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Re: Tong-cho-la

From:Joe Fatula <fatula3@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 22, 2003, 1:15
From: "Stone Gordonssen" <stonegordonssen@...>
Subject: Re: Tong-cho-la

> Thanks for clarifying, though I admit I'm a bit disturbed that someone
> than yourself (the author of Tong-cho-la) previously replied with a very > different explanation, my response was based solely on that last > explanation. My apology to you and the list.
No apologies needed. I think Andrew was simply under the wrong impression of what my language (Tong-cho-la) was about.
> The question of cognates applies only if you intend "public" usage of the > language (e.g. an auxlang). Persons speaking Romance and Germanic
> will find Chinese, Japanese roots as unfamilar and vise-versa. Same for > speakers Finno-Urgic, Bantu, Polynesian etc. families.
Not just a question of cognates, but one of familiar patterns of sounds. Which word seems more familiar to you, "grendge" or "arubweg"? Both are certainly pronounceable for English speakers, but "grendge" would sound more familiar, being similar to other words already in existence.


Tim May <butsuri@...>