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Thagojian sample text

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Tuesday, October 7, 2003, 23:40
Herewith, the first line of the mythological text I'm (slowly)
translating into Thagojian. Apostrophes after n and s should be
acutes above them. The source text might be familiar to some of you.


Qan'kédëmenet qaiwëtéphep dïhmónopëron, lhémën tétéras'eismeit.

/?ANkEd@menet ?Ajw@tEvep d1hmOnop@r\on KEm@n tEtEr\AZejzmejt/


qan'kédë-mene  -t   qaiwë-téphe -p   dïhmóno-përo  -n,
ancestor-G1_Gen-G3  youth-G3_Gen-G5  time   -G5_Gen-G4,
ancestor-mine  -he  youth-his   -it  time -it,

lhémë-n   té  -téras's'ei-smei   -t
world-G4  PERF-travel    -G4_All -G3
world-it       travelled

G1 - 1st person
G3 - 3rd person Animate
G4 - 3rd person Inanimate
G5 - Abstractions
Gen - Genetive
All - Allative
PERF - Perfect

Comments, please. Anything wrong with all those genetives? What would
you suggest instead?



Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Isidora Zamora <isidora@...>