>This is from a now-down site yehan.net, preserved in the Google
>Text: Ròshanak
>sju blodiga söndagar
seven bloody sundays
>granit och granater
granite and grenadoes
>nio utbrända riksdagar
nine burnt out parliaments
>svamlande fascisternas trams
spreading the bullshit of the fascists
>vansinnes svepande spiral
the sweaping spiral of madness
>tretton susande spjut
thirteen flying spears
>tretton fladdrande nationalflaggor
thirteen flying national flags
>flerdubbelt döda profeter
multiple times more of dead prophets
>predikande finansiära finess
preaching financial finess
>wall street, pentagon, CIA
>demokratins mondiala konkurs
the bankrupcy of democracy.
>trettiotusen brinnande städer
thirtythousand burning cities
>tågande mot kapitalisternas vapenindustri
crusading against the weaponindustry of the capitalists
>krossande fascisternas sväpande vansinnesspiral
crushing the fascists' swirling spiral of madness
>The refrain of course is Spanish, from the Civil War: "They shall
>not pass!" But the rest seems to be some Scandindavian argle-bargle.
Scandinavian argle-bargle?